Carers Information

Alzheimer's Society

Helping people living with Dementia because 1 in 3 people with dementia don't have a diagnosis, unable to get the help they desperately need. Diagnosis is vital.

Barnsley Carers Service

Barnsley Carers Service is a free service for unpaid carers. They work closely with a wide range of professional health and care services, Barnsley Council, charities, and community groups to provide support, advice and training designed to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of local carers.

The team provides carers aged 18 and over with tailored resources designed to improve their lives, health, and wellbeing. They help carers to find balance in their busy lives and to access the support they need and are entitled to.

BIADS (Barnsley Independent Alzheimers & Dementia Support)

BIADS is a charitable organisation formed to provide support for those who have any form of dementia and their families and friends.  Their services cover the Barnsley Metropolitan area. 

Crossroads Barnsley

Crossroads Caring for Carers is a professional well respected charity, established in 1993 to provide direct support services to carers and the people they care for across the Barnsley Borough.

Dementia Friendly Barnsley

Welcome to the Dementia Friendly Barnsley. This website is a place where you can find events and activities, as well as information, support and services in Barnsley

Live Well Barnsley

Live Well Barnsley is a directory of services, groups, activities and events that contribute to the health and wellbeing of the people of Barnsley. 

Carer Support Group

 Carers and Loved Ones Cancer Support Group.

 The group meets at Priory Campus on: 

  •  1st Tuesday of the month 6pm - 7pm
  •  3rd Tuesday of the month 2pm - 3pm 

This group is for all carers, loved ones, relatives, and friends of those living with cancer, and affected by cancer. The group is also open to those who have lost somebody to cancer too.

For more information contact Amy on 07380863049 

💬 We now have a private Facebook group which people can join for information about events:…=share