
Our receptionists will be happy to help you make an appointment. If you cannot attend an appointment, please let us know, another patient could have urgent need of this appointment. One appointment must be made for each person attending. It is desirable for children under the age of 14 years to be accompanied by an adult, whenever possible, preferably a parent.

Appointment Length

The doctors currently see patients at a mixture of 10 minute intervals, which is a standard consultation time in many practices. Many appointments currently run over, which results in patients waiting. Sometimes this is inevitable and based on clinical need, but other factors include:

  • Requests for routine repeat prescriptions during consultation time.
  • Patients asking for accompanying relatives to be seen at the same time without having made an appointment.
  • Patients with extensive 'lists' of problems which cannot possibly all be dealt with in a single appointment.

Please Try And Make The Best Use Of The Doctors Time

  • Please use the repeat prescription system.
  • Remember, one appointment for one patient only.
  • If you have several problems, please make a further appointment.


The current arrangement for access is a mixture of 24 hour appointments, which allows patients to book for any urgent appointments on the day.


Any other enquiries will be passed to the doctors after their morning surgery. You will then be asked to telephone the practice after 3pm the same day for a response.

Training Practice

Please Note: Our Practice has a regular influx of Post Graduate Junior Doctors. Patients have the right to decline the presence of a junior Doctor during usual consultations.